Diversity & Inclusion

Imaginators recognise and actively address diversity and inclusion challenges both in the workplace and through our services. We also encourage our employees and clients to discuss and help resolve these challenges.

We believe our work, teams, employees and the audiences we reach should reflect the diversity of the UK and our ambition is to achieve greater diversity in the areas of gender, race, disability, gender, sexuality, socio-economic background, faith and age.

Imaginators understand that the only way we can move towards having a more diverse and inclusive team is by placing diversity and inclusion at the heart of everything we do.

Our goal is to be truly inclusive by advocating and seeking active participation by all individuals regardless of their gender, ethnicity, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, gender expression, age, heritage, education or religion.

To achieve our vision we will:

  • Develop a workforce that is at least as diverse as the UK
  • Work towards fair representation of all groups within our team benchmarking ourselves against the diverse make-up of the UK population.
  • Commit to supporting our employees and clients
  • Where possible, make changes to our communications and physical environments to aim to make them accessible to as many groups of individuals as possible.
  • Remain transparent about our progress and encourage our audience, clients’ employees to further challenge us
  • Improve our representation of diversity challenges within our business using our own platform to advocate change
  • Develop a culture where diversity is hard-wired into everything we do, is understood by all of us and where we all have an opportunity to be a part of this ongoing conversation


Our policy will evolve and develop over time as the world around us changes and also as we learn and understand more.